Business Travel

We can arrange business trips to promote companies anywhere in the world. We invite those interested firms to explore this option.
We travel to promote and negotiate the company's products according to agendas developed for us prior to the trip.
Market information, finding partners, armed with these   agendas, it's made by us and are included in our fee in each case.
We will give a report to return with all the information of the proceedings.
We intend in this way, assist the companies internationalization, which are not always able to afford an overseas promotional trip.  Our concern is that companies can be present in other markets at a cost we believe it's available for any of them.
These trade missions are private business trips, led by Anahi Calderon where our executives hold meetings with local counterparts, previously contacted, depending on the profile of companies and products offered.
The trips are intended to identify potential purchasers of products offered, with an investment by the companies, lower than the cost of each airfare and hotel.


We have represented on these trips to small and medium-sized enterprises in Argentina, in areas as diverse as clothing, wines, cosmetics, heavy metal, furniture, equipment, etc.

If this proposal is of interest for you, contact us shortly to assess the potential of foreign markets for your products.
If you want a travel tailored  or in exclusivity for your company, contact our representative.
We offer a special service for Chambers and Associations.



See our upcoming trips



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